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Notary in Lemon grove

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Notaries in Lemon Grove

(619) 797-5730 & (858) 255-7580

Just in case you were wondering how much the largest lemon on record weighed and where it was gown, look no further. It weighed 5.265 kg 9 (that's 11 pounds, 9.7 oz., for those of us who are metrically impaired.) It measured 29 inches around and 13.7 inches high and came from the orchard of Aharon Shemoel Zeitim of Israel.

Share that bit of information with the Lemon Grove notary who assists you with your business. He'll probably smile and counter with the statistics of the 3,000-pound statue that adorns the center of Lemon Grove, which is a suburb of San Diego. The mammoth citrus is known to make the mouths of viewers' pucker, just as if it were the real thing, the locals brag. It was originally crafted for a July 4th parade float in 1928, but it was such a crowd-pleaser that in 1930 it was plastered to increase its durability and became the symbol of pride for the citrus industry in Lemon Grove.

The message on the base of the mammoth lemon reads: "Best Climate on Earth." Your Lemon Grove traveling notary, whose jobs take him from 280 to 530 feet in elevation, will insist the town's motto still stands true.

You'll find Lemon Grove pretty well urbanized now, but in its prime, it blossomed with citrus orchards that provided livelihoods for its residents, including enough lemons to pucker mouths from coast to coast. The citrus industry actually followed an earlier era, though. When he became the first settler in the area in 1869, Robert Allison envisioned it the ideal setting for sheep ranching. Until the early 1900s, sheep, poultry and veggies ruled.

When you get through talking lemons, ask the Lemon Grove notary what is the second most notable thing the town is remembered for. Likely he'll inform you that the first successful school desegregation effort in America took place in that community. The case of Alvarez vs. the Lemon Grove School Board produced a decision in Alvarez' favor on April 1, 1986.

The small community features a glut of parks (the weather, remember?) and is close enough to San Diego to head for more heady recreation and shopping if that's what attracts you.

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